RVI can help you connect more effectively with rural communities.
Rural communities have not only unique policy challenges, but also unique social characteristics and ways of communicating. The Rural Voter Institute was created to research and develop more effective ways of communicating with rural voters.
News & Research
Democrats at all levels must understand the need to more effectively communicate with rural and small-town voters. After conducting five years of polling and interviewing rural and small-town voters, the Rural Voter Institute (RVI) offers the following topical analyses and recommendations for Democrats to better engage rural voters in 2024 elections.
Local, terrestrial radio in rural and small-town communities can be a powerful medium for effective communication with voters. The Rural Voter Institute examined how to effectively utilize this unique medium of communication with panels of rural and small-town Wisconsin voters.
The Rural Voter Institute’s 2023 research (conducted summer of 2023) examined perceptions around three potential factors in the 2024 election: Trump’s mishandling of classified information, Biden’s economic record, and the public policy issue of crime and safety – a much hyped issue in the most recent mid-term election.
The Rural Voter Institute’s 2023 research (conducted summer of 2023) examined perceptions around three potential factors in the 2024 election: Trump’s mishandling of classified information, Biden’s economic record, and the public policy issue of crime and safety – a much hyped issue in the most recent mid-term election.
The Rural Voter Institute’s 2023 research (conducted summer of 2023) examined perceptions around three potential factors in the 2024 election: Trump’s mishandling of classified information, Biden’s economic record, and the public policy issue of crime and safety – a much hyped issue in the most recent mid-term election.
The Rural Voter Institute conducted a focus group in late summer/early fall exploring perceptions of the events of January 6 and the resulting investigations. This previously unpublished research is of particular importance given the recent subpoena for former President Trump to testify before the Congressional Committee investigating the events of January 6.
The Rural Voter Institute conducted a focus group in August exploring perceptions of the search at Mar-a-Lago recovering classified documents taken by former President Donald Trump. A majority of panelists said they would change their opinions of what happened at Mar-a-Lago depending on what was found there.
New research by the Rural Voter Institute suggests that a distinction between the issue for candidates and ballot initiatives should be considered and addressed intentionally as the November midterm election approaches.
The latest research by the Rural Voter Institute not only emphasizes the dire predicament Democrats face on the issues of gas prices and inflation going into the midterm elections, but also offers a path for Democrats to discuss the issue with rural and small-town voters in an effective way to narrow margins of loss enough in November to win.
Rural voters’ notions of the political parties and the candidates who run on each ticket highly influence voting patterns, and understanding the presuppositions, as well as how to address them, can help narrow the gap for Democratic candidates. Testing ad concepts proved negative attitudes towards Democrats could be overcome by both Democratic candidates and the Party brand if more effective message constructs are utilized.
Rural voters’ notions of the political parties and the candidates who run on each ticket highly influence voting patterns, and understanding the presuppositions, as well as how to address them, can help narrow the gap for Democratic candidates. Testing ad concepts proved negative attitudes towards Democrats could be overcome by both Democratic candidates and the Party brand if more effective message constructs are utilized.
For Democrats to better reach rural voters, they must better understand views of rurality and the perceived rural-urban divide among rural residents as well as the prevailing attitudes toward the role of government among rural voters. The Rural Voter Institute’s research explored these notions with rural voters in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota.
RVI research found that Democrats hold an advantage on the health care issue with rural voters, and it is among the most compelling arguments with rural voters for Democrats – especially the key demographics of rural women under 50 and college-educated men. Democrats would benefit from framing the election as a decision on health care priorities.
The Rural Voter Institute’s research found a plurality (41%) of rural voters were more inclined to think state government has the most impact on their life (compared to federal government), underscoring both the importance of Democratic candidates at a national level emphasizing localization in their campaigns and the opportunity for local and state-level Democrats to improve margins with rural voters.
The correlation between religiosity and rurality in the United States emphasizes the importance of communicating with rural voters of faith ahead of the 2020 elections. The Rural Voter Institute’s quantitative research found a path for successful dialogue with rural faith voters.
“There are a lot of people talking about the importance of doing better rural messaging, but RVI is the only team that I have heard actually talking about how to do better rural messaging. The presentation is more than worth it, it provides guidelines that help you craft a message that resonates with rural voters and inspires them to vote blue.”
Martha Laning
Past Chair, Wisconsin Democratic Party
“In decades as a Democratic leader and activist, I’ve never seen a program quite like this to address rural voters. This training provided me with fresh insights into rural communities and how facilitate an open and honest dialog there. This training program is what we need at the time we need it most.”
Harvey Ferdman
Missouri Gateway Democrats
“We have worked with this team for the past 10 years to build our grassroots advocacy program, and I highly recommend them for rural and values-voters outreach strategy. They have a unique understanding of the rural landscape and how to most effectively communicate there. This team is one of the brightest and most attentive consultants I have had the pleasure to work with in more than 35 years in health care.”
Midwestern health care association
“In our ballot initiative and legislative fights, my greatest concern was the need to get our message out ahead of the opposition, and this team hit the ground running. They developed a winning message and critical rural voter strategies that proved invaluable. They obtained and analyzed enough data to make it clear what the message should be, then they refined it to make it appeal to voters across the entire political spectrum, and particularly in rural communities.”
Southeastern Trade Association

The Rural Voter Institute training program teaches operatives, strategists, volunteers, and candidates how to engage more effectively with rural voters. Through the RVI training, you will learn a new paradigm for rural voter outreach, see examples of success, and learn how to implement our proven strategies and tactics in your own communications plans.
Our team can help create and refine your message, communications strategy, and tactics through the lens of effective rural voter constructs. Our original rural voter research informs our work building custom rural outreach programs that target and engage rural voters effectively through award-winning digital advertising, social media, email, and direct mail.