RVI Report: Gas Prices, Inflation, and the War in Ukraine
The latest research by the Rural Voter Institute not only emphasizes the dire predicament Democrats face on the issues of gas prices and inflation going into the midterm elections, but also offers a path for Democrats to discuss the issue with rural and small-town voters in an effective way to narrow margins of loss enough in November to win.
Panelists felt a palpable frustration with and dislike for President Biden and Democrats, including both Trump-Biden voters who expressed regret for having voted for Biden. Having done custom rural voter research in these three states over the past two years, this was the worst animosity toward Democrats we have observed in our research.
Inflation, gas prices, and the economy were a top concern for almost all voters. When asked whose fault the high gas prices were, panelists almost universally assigned blame to President Biden, the Democrats, and those in charge in Washington.
Over and over, voters complained of the hardship from increasing gas prices and escalating prices at the grocery store. Roughly half of our panelists responded effectively to one argument about the increase in gas prices and inflation, and it was tied to the war in Ukraine.
For findings and recommendations, download the report here.